Begin by selecting the “Explore Causes” tab in your dashboard. In the blue text box, then click on the hyperlink for “you can make a request here” … or, if you are logged in, just click this link. Next, select whether you want to make a “US Nonprofit Request” or an “International Nonprofit Request.” 

US nonprofits: Pledgeling verifies US nonprofits to make sure your funds are going to legitimate IRS-registered 501(c)(3) organizations. This can take up to five business days – in addition to getting data from the IRS and third-party data providers, sometimes we are waiting for the nonprofit to send us current information such as a new IRS "determination letter" or an address verification. The time it takes to process each request also depends on the volume of requests we get, as we process each request in the order we receive them.

International charities: Due to new regulations surrounding international charity vetting, we recommend picking an organization already in the system as the cost to vet a non-U.S. organization is high. To inquire about vetting a non-U.S. charity please email to evaluate the process and associated fees.